New chapters “Lessons from History” and “Behavioral Engineering” have new insight for the digital transformation journey.
The 4-Rs, Recognize, Rationalize, Resolve, Reconcile, are common sense and aligned with Lean-Agile thinking to provide a reliable process for problem solving. They also help communicate plans with others. The Playbook has checklists, worksheets, and tables for working with Aras InnovatorĀ® The Foreword is by Peter Schroer.
The Second Edition is in epub3 format and runs on all devices. It is intended for use on phones so that it can be always available for working with the Aras platform, with ebook features including search functionality and hyperlinks provided by the E-reader.
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E-publishing also brings the benefit that it is interactive and much easier to edit and update than paper or pdf. Feel free to make comments and suggestions to the author.
Experiment with settings for your E-reader for best results. Hyperlinks to Amazon books do not appear to work from my phone, but they do on other devices. Planned improvements include better pagination and graphics, plus updated repertoire listing and more cheat sheets.