FlyEarth Concept

Concept Sketch


  • simulate flying around in [Google] Earth 3D
  • using microbit to send keystokes: up, down, left, right, tilt, roll
  • like Kinect [previous project], /// TODO find call [how to send keystrokes]


  • Open browser
  • navigate location
    • fixed
    • choice of location
    • search in Earth
  • turn on 3D
  • signal start
  • microbit motion flies
  • signal end


  • Evaluate Selenium to send keystrokes to browser
  • Exlore MakeCode to send pitch, roll and button press via bluetooth using Kaspers microbit extension
  • Build prototype 1 using Git, MakeCode, and Powershell


  • Test FlyEarth01 repo, commit 4b552231


  1. Need to confirm Serial readings to Earth keystrokes [1]
    1. Looks like turn left/right is reversed
    2. Up, down not tested -> create test script and document, using 03
      1. Nose up is positive, arrow up and down look correct
      2. Bank right is positive, arrow left and right look correct
  2. Looks like Microbit sends cmds faster than posh/selenium/earth can process them, its maybe 15 seconds behind [1]
    1. Measure how fast posh can process
      1. test of read serial confirms data is received every half second
      2. it’s possible processing in earth takes longer, add logging to 04
    2. Slow down rate at which microbit sends
    3. or read latest
  3. Sometimes Earth crashes, no obvious way to recover [2]
  4. Set up is a bit clunky [3}

numbers in square brackets [n] inicate the order to be resloved